Show Me the Data Structures

Submission Instructions

What to Submit


  • Answer all 6 problems listed in the previous concepts.
  • Code solutions must be in a separate file like "". You can submit your answers by uploading a single .zip file or connecting to your GitHub repo.
  • For each question, create a solution in Python (version 3). All solutions should be functions named as laid out in the concepts. Feel free to make additional helper functions or classes as needed.
  • In the respective "" files, include at least 3 test cases for each solution.
    • For each test case, write the function call with the input you want to test and print it to the console".
    • On the next line, comment out the output you expect to see from that function call. At least 2 of these must be edge cases, testing inputs such as null values, empty inputs, unusually large values, etc.
  • Write up an explanation for each question in a single separate text file, PDF or markdown called "".
    • Your paragraph should not be a detailed walkthrough of the code you provided, but provide your reasoning behind decisions made in the code. For example, why did you use that data structure? You also need to explain the efficiency (time and space) of your solution.
  • Compress your one Python and one text file into a .zip, and submit.

Note: Time complexity for reading the input will not be considered in the overall complexity of the solution.

Please take care to complete these requirements when submitting! If for any reason we are unable to review your submission, we will let you know promptly so you may resubmit. Resubmitting will start a new window for feedback delivery.

Want to check your answers before asking for feedback?

  • Compare your answers to the rubric.

What's Next?

Once submitted, an industry professional will provide you with personalized, written feedback based on the Rubric.

The review will be complete once you have received this feedback.